Environment, Context, Vision

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

First update on the public/private plan for the Quads

CONA Sarasota's last meeting (1.10.20) offered the occasion for a brief update on the Quads parcels. According to information shared by the Conservation Foundation, so far the Foundation has held one meeting with Sarasota Audubon and Sarasota County.

They discussed the process for working together, wish lists for desired outcomes, and success criteria. Nothing decided, just procedural. The project design will take many months as there are many county departments and two not-for-profits involved. A second meeting had not yet been scheduled.

This was shared by Kafi Benz at last evening's CONA meeting.

In addition at CONA, those attending heard a good deal of information on the Fish Farm proposed offshore from Justin Bloom and Julie Miller, and about efforts to speed the transition to renewable energy from Sean Sellers of the Suncoast Climate Justice Coalition: